The 27th annual leaf and beach cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, November 9, 2019, 8:00 am to dusk. The City of Liberty Lake is co-sponsoring this annual program. Leaf and beach waste will be picked up in front of residences within the Liberty Lake Sewer and Wa- ter District (and City of Liberty Lake) boundaries. If you receive water and/or sewer service from the District, or live in Liberty Lake, you are eligible for the pick-up.
The purpose of the cleanup is to protect the lake, aquifer and river from nutrient loading from stormwater that may transport decaying vegetation. Yard waste can be beneficial when compost- ed but can be a nutrient source when mixed with stormwater that discharges to waterbodies.
The procedure will be the same as in past years; all material must be bagged or contained for easy loading by the crews. Please limit materials to leaves, yard/garden vegetation, weeds, pine needles and grass clip- pings. Please no rocks! No Stumps! No roots! No trees or limbs! No sod! No pumpkins! No Shrubs! No pet waste!
Please place waste material as close to the street for ease of loading. Keep bags as light as possible. We understand the importance of biodegradable bags, but unfortunately these bags do not hold up well to the weather (rain/snow) when placed outside. Assistance with loading is always appreciated. The schedule could be altered due to in- clement weather and amount of materi- al.
Note: Bagged, contained, and/or piled aquatic weeds on beaches or docks will be picked up during the week of November 11th (only in accessible areas via boat or vehicular access).
For more information please contact the District office. The annual leaf and beach pickup is regularly scheduled for the second Saturday in November. Thank you for your support!