Billing and Finance

Billing Schedule/Payment Options

The District sends out monthly statements for sewer and water services for the prior month’s activity with payments due on the 30th of each month.

The water base rate includes 32 cubic feet per day per ERU at no additional charge. Water use in excess of the 32 cubic feet per day per ERU is billed according to the District’s rate schedule.

Commercial Accounts: Water meters are read monthly and usage in excess of 32 cubic feet per day per ERU is billed according to the District’s rate schedule.

Residential Accounts: Water meters are read quarterly (4 times a year) and usage in excess of 32 cubic feet per day per ERU is billed according to the District’s rate schedule.

  • January Statement: Monthly Base
  • February Statement: Monthly Base
  • March Statement: Monthly Base + Winter Usage (overage)
  • April Statement: Monthly Base
  • May Statement: Monthly Base
  • June Statement: Monthly Base + Spring Usage (overage)
  • July Statement: Monthly Base
  • August Statement: Monthly Base
  • September Statement: Monthly Base + Summer Usage (overage)
  • October Statement: Monthly Base
  • November Statement: Monthly Base
  • December Statement: Monthly Base + Fall Usage (overage)

click title to expand

Pay by cash, check, money order, debit card, or credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express) Monday -Friday, 8am-4:30pm at our Administration Office.

Pay anytime by personal check or money order using our payment drop box located outside the main entrance of our Administration Office.

Please do not leave cash in the drop box.

Call us at 509-922-5443 during business hours to pay by debit or credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express).

We have partnered with Xpress Bill Pay. You can pay your bills with a credit or debit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express) or you can transfer funds directly from your checking account. If you would like, you can select the Auto Pay option and your bill will be paid automatically each month utilizing your credit/debit card or checking account. For assistance with your Xpress Bill Pay account, please call (800) 766-2350 or visit their site.

  • Post-dated checks will not be accepted
  • Payments are due on the 30th of each month
  • A 10% late fee is assessed on unpaid balances

If you have questions about your statement, please call (509) 922-5443 during business hours 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, Monday-Friday. Or, you may contact us here.


The District does not have a direct utility assistance program, but there are a number of utility assistance programs in Spokane County. The District compiled a list of some of the assistance programs in Spokane County.

Spokane County Assistance Programs

The District is not affiliated with these organizations; this list of programs has been compiled as a reference for your convenience.

LLSWD will not terminate service to any account, charge late fees, or file any new liens during this time of hardship. If you are experiencing financial hardship and are unable to pay your utility bill, please call our office at (509) 922-5443.


Base water rates were adjusted based upon an inflationary measure (CPI-U West) 2019 to 2022 and 2024, 2%, 2.6%, 1.6%, 5.3%, and 3.9% respectively. In 2023, base water and consumption rates were adjusted an additional 16.7% above the 8.3% inflationary measure due to outsized cost increases for goods and services required to maintain and operate the water system, as well as increased debt service costs for system improvements, including water main replacements and expansion of a well site. In 2025, water rates increased 4.8%.

For more information please look to the 2025 Rate Explanation.

Eastside Consolidation Surcharge Letter

Greenridge Consolidation Surcharge Letter

Moving forward we will continue to always conduct inflationary increases on both utilities. We will only increase rates to the degree necessary to cover costs, conducting sewer and water utility rate studies as needed. As utility costs throughout the industry continue to rise, District staff is committed to managing costs and improving efficiencies while upholding the District’s commitment to a sustainable future. These rate changes will help ensure the continued reliability and affordability of basic sewer and water services.

2025 Rate Schedule

(Effective January 1, 2025)

TypeMonthly Cost
Water, metered, base per ERU*$21.76
Water, metered, base per ERU* Irrigation$21.76
Usage above 976 cu.ft. per ERU*$0.00630 per cu.ft.
Usage above 3131 cu.ft per ERU*$0.01001 per cu.ft.
Water, metered, per cu.ft$0.02236
Water, Eastside Surcharge per ERU*$22.77 per Consolidation Agreement
Water, Greenridge Surcharge per ERU*$40.05 per Consolidation Agreement
Sewer, per ERU$80.55
Sewer, per ERU, Dedicated Capacity (Contract)$58.83
Sewer, per ERU, County Intertie$26.50 + Spokane County Sewer Service Fee billed at current rate per Interlocal Agreement

*ERU=Equivalent Residential Unit = 32 cubic feet (240 gallons) of water per day

Regular Capacity Water, per ERU$2,000
Regular Capacity Sewer, per ERU$7,875
Capacity Sewer, County Intertie, per ERUCurrent Spokane County GFC per Interlocal Agreement
Residential/Commercial Water less than or equal to 2.0″$140 + Actual cost of meter, radio, setter, box and lid.
Residential/Commercial Water Meters greater than 2.0″$140 + Actual cost of meter and radio. Owner provides meter set and spec. piping.
Residential/Commercial Sewer$140
Water Tapping Fee$340
Sewer Tapping Fee$280
Permit Fee$140
Special Contracts – Service Agreements$578
Water on/off Charge$70 Weekday / $210 after hours/weekend/holiday
Fire Hydrant Fill Station Permit*$780 Yearly (+ large volume water sales charged per cu.ft)
Fire Hydrant Mobile Permit*$1,500 Yearly (+ large volume water sales charged per cu.ft.). Includes the initial set, test, and final removal, but does not include relocation. Also allows use of the hydrant fill station.
Water/Sewer Operator/Inspection Rate$70 per hour Weekday + tax if applicable (1 hour minimum) $210 per hour After Hours/Weekends/Holiday + tax if applicable (1 hour minimum)
New Construction Bacteria Testing – 18hr TestActual Cost
Meter Accuracy Testing (including removal and replacement)Actual cost (depending on size of meter)
Return Payment FeeActual Charge
Lien Charge$140 + Actual Spokane County Filing Cost(s)

Note: Sales tax is not included in the rate unless otherwise stated

In accordance with Resolution 09-17 – Equivalent User Schedule for irrigation services.

Size of Meter*
1 ½”4

*Connection fee will be based on Meter Size or Irrigation Service Line size, whichever is the largest.

Owner/Tenant Information

The account for water and sewer services provided by the District are associated with the property. The District will provide service in the name of the property owner and the District’s billing statement will be sent to the property.

The District presumes that the owner’s address is the service address unless the owner notifies the District in writing of alternate contact information, including a billing address. The owner is responsible for notifying the District immediately in writing of any change in the owner’s mailing address, street address, email address, or phone number.

The owner may request in writing at the District’s website, “Update Information Form” a duplicate copy of the statement be sent to the service address. Upon request, the District will send a duplicate copy of the statement and other notices to the service address. The original statement and other notices will continue to be sent to the owner’s billing address.

Any agreement between the owner and a third party for payment of the District charges is not recognized by the District and the owner remains responsible for payment of the District charges on his or her account.

Water Meter

Customers are required to keep their water meter vault clear of obstruction such as shrubbery, debris, machinery, vehicles, etc. Residences with meters in back yards must provide access to meter.

If the meter cannot be read, a door hanger will be left at the property. Within 5 days of receiving this notice, please call the District with the meter reading or schedule a time for your meter to be read. If the District does not get a response; the meter reading will be estimated.

Shut Off/Restoring Service

Shut Off/Restoring Service

Water and Sewer services may be shut off due to:

Non-Compliance: Customer has denied access to the District for reading or repairing your meter.
Fraud: Customer has committed fraud against the District
Public Safety: Emergencies or health and safety violations have occurred.

Non-Payment: Accounts that have delinquent water and sewer bills.
Before your water service is shut off, the District will provide the following notices.

  • Statement: Previous balance brought forward.
  • 1st Green Door hanger: Delinquent balance reminder.
  • 2nd Pink Door Hanger: Water service has been shut off for non-payment.
  • 3rd Lien on Property: A lien has been filed.

Restoring Water Services

Hours of operation are Monday-Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
District Office (509) 922-5443 After Hours (509) 623-7920

In order to have your service restored, the account balance must be paid in full. The District requires that the owner or owner representative to be present at the property in order to restore the water service.

The District will restore water service outside of normal business hours, weekends, and/or Holidays for an additional charge.

Temporary/Voluntary Discontinuance

At the property owner’s request, the District can turn off the water service for “snowbirds” or those who will not be occupying their residence for an extended period of time. However, you will continue to be billed for water and sewer services.