Base water rates were adjusted based upon an inflationary measure (CPI-U West) 2019 to 2022 and 2024, 2%, 2.6%, 1.6%, 5.3%, and 3.9% respectively. In 2023, base water and consumption rates were adjusted an additional 16.7% above the 8.3% inflationary measure due to outsized cost increases for goods and services required to maintain and operate the water system, as well as increased debt service costs for system improvements, including water main replacements and expansion of a well site. In 2025, water rates increased 4.8%.
For more information please look to the 2025 Rate Explanation.
Eastside Consolidation Surcharge Letter
Greenridge Consolidation Surcharge Letter
Moving forward we will continue to always conduct inflationary increases on both utilities. We will only increase rates to the degree necessary to cover costs, conducting sewer and water utility rate studies as needed. As utility costs throughout the industry continue to rise, District staff is committed to managing costs and improving efficiencies while upholding the District’s commitment to a sustainable future. These rate changes will help ensure the continued reliability and affordability of basic sewer and water services.
2025 Rate Schedule
(Effective January 1, 2025)