Water Meter

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The District owns your water meter and reads them 4 times per year. Base rate is billed monthly and water overage is billed quarterly in arrears (for water you have used).

Customers are required to keep the meter vault clear of obstructions such as shrub-bery, debris, machinery, vehicles, boats, etc. The District on occasion will trim shrubs to access the meter. If a meter reader experiences a problem a door hanger will be left requesting corrective action.

Most of the water meters in the District are Sensus brand meters. The reading info is used to determine the amount of your water bill. We read the “odometer” or register on the meter and subtract the last reading to determine the water used. The register is intended to enable you to read your own meter, so you can monitor your own water use and determine if the use meets your goals for maintaining your property and keeping your water bill under control.

If you have a high bill, you may want to read the meter to check that the reading by the District is correct. If you have questions about your read, the District would be happy to re-read the meter. One possible cause of a high reading would be a leak in your system. If all of the water in the house is off and the me-ter is still registering, you may have a leak. You should contact the District for assistance if you think you have a leak. The District has FREE dye kits available at the District office for testing leaks.

Now is the time to think about winterizing water meters. The District has meter blankets available to customers at no cost. Waterproof insulating materials can be used to insulate the meter from freez-ing.
For more information on our billing visit our website at https://libertylake.org/account/billing/
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A pinhole size leak may lose up to 10 gal-lons per hour, a pencil size leak can use up to 140 gallons per hour and a 3/16 inch leak more than 300 gallons per hour. A dripping faucet that fills a cup in 10 minutes wastes 3,280 gallons per year.



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