There are approximately 650 fire hydrants in the District. Fire hydrant requirements are determined by the International Fire Code (IFC). Hydrants shall be located so as to be accessible to a fire apparatus and not be obstructed by any structure or vegetation or have the visibility impaired for a distance of fifty feet in the direction of vehicular approach to the hydrant.
There shall be a clear area around the hydrant of not less than 36 inches for clearance of a hydrant wrench on both outlets and the control valve.
Fire hydrants installed in compliance with the minimum design standards and located within a publicly owned easement or right-of-way are owned by the water purveyor. The District takes responsibility for hydrant maintenance, and all hydrants shall be maintained in operable condition. The District routinely performs inspection and maintenance activities such as painting, improving visibility and accessibility. Spokane Valley Fire Department conducts courtesy flow and pressure testing annually. Testing is done in accordance with the provisions of the IFC.
The District issues fire hydrant permits in a manner that prevents contamination of the domestic drinking water system, protects hydrants for the primary use of fire protection, prevents damage to fire hydrants and provides safe practices in the operation of a hydrant. Water may not be withdrawn from any fire hydrant of LLSWD without first obtaining a permit. All connections to fire hydrants must have approved backflow prevention device such as an approved backflow assembly or air gap. Unauthorized connections to fire hydrants are illegal and subject to prosecution.
If you see suspicious activity, please contact the District.