The EPA Region 10 WATERS award program seeks to recognize exceptional DWSRF projects, nominated by state DWSRF staff, that help borrowers maintain, or return to, compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act, as well as achieve one or more elements of the WATERS award. Those elements include projects that: are Well-planned, address Affordability issues, are Transferable to other communities, provide benefits for water or energy Efficiency, as well as add Resiliency and/or Sustainability attributes.
WATERS AWARD Winners (SFY 2017)
The Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District (LLSWD), which serves residents near Spokane, Washington, used a $905,465 DWSRF loan to consolidate the East Side Liberty Lake Improvement Club (ESLLIC). This water system was incorporated in 1945 and serves approximately 300 residents. The two systems already had an intertie, and a contractual relationship for LLSWD to operate and maintain the ESLLC water system. The project included upgrades to the existing intertie, replacement of old and undersized distribution mains, and abandonment of two primary wells for ESLLC. The consolidation project was made significantly more affordable by provision of 50% principal forgiveness, which brought the base water rates down from $50.76 to $18.52.