System Information


Do you know the source of your drinking water? It’s the Spokane Valley-Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer stretching from the Pend Oreille Lake in North Idaho to the Little Spokane River north of the City of Spokane. This aquifer is one of the largest in the world. This resource is not unlimited and must be protected from contamination and overuse. The aquifer serves as drinking water for over 500,000 people in Idaho and Spokane area.

a map of the aquifer

District Service area

The Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District service area boundary includes the area surrounding the Lake and extends northward to the Spokane River. Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District’s service area encompasses approximately 5,000 acres.

If you have a question on who provides water to your home or business please visit:

Below are maps of the LLSWD Service area boundaries as well as other service providers in the Liberty Lake area.

Rules and Regulations

The Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District has adopted a number of ordinances and resolutions that stipulate the conditions of providing water and sewer service to existing customers and new customers requesting service.

Condition of Service Policies

In order for a property to receive service from the Liberty Lake Sewer District, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Property must be within the boundary of the Sewer and Water District or the Board must approve a water service extension agreement.
  2. Areas that are provided water under a water service extension agreement must be within the future service area of the District.
  3. Property owner must pay water service capacity charges computed on an ERU basis.
  4. Property owner must pay water service connection charges.
  5. Plans for water system improvements must be provided and approved by the District’s Engineer, Fire Department, Washington State Department of Health, and the District Manager.
  6. Water system improvements must be constructed in accordance with District Standards and be accepted by the District Manager.

Water System

see service area map above

LLSWD presently serves water to the majority of the area within the Municipal boundary of the City of Liberty Lake, except for the River Ristrict/Ridgeview Middle School/Orchard Park section (West of Storage Solutions on Mission). Outside of the City Limits, we serve water all the way around Liberty Lake, South of E Sprague, East of S McKinzie Road, and West of the Greenridge Estates area.


The District owns five supply wells and six water reservoirs (with a seventh currently under construction) within the District’s boundary. These reservoirs provide storage, pressure regulation, and availability for fire flow to all portions of the water system.


There are over 60 miles of water distribution mains in the system at present. These water mains range in size from 2-inches to 18-inches in diameter. There is a variety of pipe material throughout the system, the majority being ductile iron.

Sewer Collection System


The District provides both wastewater collection throughout the service area, and wastewater treatment at the Water Reclamation Facility, located at 2218 N Harvard, on the North side of I-90, at the Harvard Interchange.

There have been a number of planning efforts undertaken for the wastewater system since the District was formed. Each has, in turn, addressed and updated the approach to wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal as needed for the Liberty Lake area, and larger Spokane region.

A major factor behind the increased growth in the Liberty Lake area is Washington’s Growth Management Act. Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District has a robust infrastructure in place for providing water and sewer service, making the area one of the most attractive areas in Spokane County for development. This, coupled with the current strength of the regional economy, has resulted in the rate of growth that was originally expected and planned for in the Liberty Lake area over a decade ago.


The District serves a combination of residential, commercial, and industrial customers. There are over 50 miles of sewer collection mains in the system at present. This piping ranges in size from 2-inches to 24-inches in diameter. There is a variety of pipe material throughout the system.